My Blog
Where I share all my latest news & information...
An Empty Nester Leaves Home
The meaning of YOGA is to yoke or union. Union of body, mind and your spirit and that we are not separate from each other. We all need and deserve love, kindness and peace
How Breathwork Can Help with Perimenopause
Are you looking for ways to support yourself through perimenopause and beyond? If so, read on for Monique’s tips on cooling hot flashes, improving brain fog, and calming hot tempers.
The Mistakes about Staying Fit at any Age
Here’s Your guide to the biggest mistakes about staying fit at any age. Do any of these sound familiar?
How to Calm Worry and Stress - A 10min practice
If you listen to your body and notice feeling tired, wired or overwhelm then I invite you to try this online breathwork session.
Things I wish I’d known when I started teaching yoga
I regret nothing! But. As a new yoga teacher, the choices I made could’ve been easier if I hadn’t struggled with comparison and taken failures and no shows so personally.
Move with love - the podcast with Brea Johnson
Is there an “unlock magical expert yoga teacher level” where someone tells you that you’ve made it?
3 Tips to Filling Yoga Classes even in the Covid Crisis
Even in a world that feels saturated with yoga teachers, it is possible to find students who love your classes.
Teaching Yoga Online with Zoom
Here are my teaching tips for taking your yoga classes online with Zoom.
The truth about getting more yoga students
The Truth about the best ways to fill your yoga class